here's the before...

and just to be fair, this was before we moved in obviously, but still... very ordinary beige room.
And now here is his new room!

He has a fascination with globes, so I wanted to find a way to incorporate those, and the colors go so well with what I had in mind for his space.

The board and batten turned out to be no big deal, I'll share the details in a later post.

Trimming the windows always makes a huge difference. I'm a big fan of thick white mouldings, I go gaga for trims.

The "hippie bus" was in a parking lot of a nearby museum when I was on an outing with the boys one day. Lucky for me, I had my camera with me, so I took some detailed pictures (looking like a crazy person out in the rain with a big DSLR camera in the rain). I knew immediately I would use this one in his room.

I found all of the License plates on ebay. I bought them purely for their colors, I didn't even care which states they where. They are one of my favorite parts of his new room.

One of my biggest goals throughout the process was to not forget that
a little boy lives here. A little boy plays here, this is his space, and more than being a pretty room, it needs to function for him. I happily embrace toys on the floor and all around. I don't care if he moves things around and does his thing in here. So I tried to leave all of his things accessible to him. I did put the puzzles with smaller pieces up high, mostly so his baby brother doesn't come in and loose parts to games, or eat them. :)

I decided to move these instruments down to a lower shelf so he and his brother can just play with them whenever they want. I love nothing more than to hear them making music and being the crazy little fellas that they are.

The bedding is from Land of Nod, I've loved this set for a while now, but I wanted to be so careful not to make his room too theme-y. I found the quilt on ebay for $55. It's originally over $150, so I think I did pretty well on that!

We had to add some fun vintage items that belonged to my husband and I when we were little. "Scotty Bear", the bear on his bed, was my husband Scott's when he was a little boy. We found him in a box in the garage shortly after we moved in. He had been in our basements in our previous homes. It was a good find.

Carter loves Scotty Bear. The little blocks on top of the bookshelf also belonged to my husband as a little boy. The Native American drum on the bookshelf was mine, from a family vacation when I was just about the age he is now, as well as the vintage suitcase I remember taking to sleep at my grandma's house. He now uses it for matchbox cars storage, both of our boys love to lug it around with the cars inside.

The bookshelf needs tweaking again, now that I moved his bucket of instruments and some other things down, it's a little bare up on top, and I'm contemplating some window treatments, but for now I'm calling it
good enough.
The most important part is that it's a colorful and fun place to play, because really what else matters? And he loves it! The first day it was all finished he kept telling anyone who would listen "my mom painted on my wall. my mom painted it special for me." I think it passed the Carter test! :)
Most of the time this is what it will be looking like:

And in reality, it's gonna be a whole lot worse.
And I'm just fine with that!
Can I just say how much I LOVE this room?!? So cute with just the right touches - not too theme-y and definitely not commercial. Exactly what I am hoping to achieve with my son's next room rendition (we're still in the nursery phase).
Also looking forward to your B&B post... I'm about to help my sister attempt this in her house.
I just spent the better part of an hour going through all of your posts - such a beautiful home you've created! :)
Checked out your photography blog, too - we need a family session. Maybe the next time we're going to find ourselves in Utah (doesn't happen too often, but you never know), I'll have to get in touch with you. I really like your aesthetic!
And, finally - your boys... so adorable! Preemies are extra special. :)
Oh it is just precious!!! Congrats darling! *hugs*
I just spent some time looking through your old posts and I absolutely love your decorating style! Excited to be your newest follower! :)
I just found your blog recently (can't remember how exactly), but I subscribed immediately. Love your style, and I love everything about your son's big boy room: the board and batten treatment on the walls, the turquoise, the fun accessories, and just how you pulled it all together. We're working on my son's big boy room for his upcoming 3rd birthday, so thanks for the inspiration!
This room is so cute! I really love the VW photo, it's so fun! Great job pulling everything together!
This is such a cute little boy's room. The colors are perfect!
Great room! I love the turquoise paint and the white mouldings. The pictures are awesome too!
This is awesome! Feels perfect for a little kid without being overly cutesy.
This is great! Nice job. I love how you say the board and batten was easy...and I hope I can believe you! ;) Looking forward to your post about that. What a great space for your little boy!
Hi, love the room, what a beautiful job you did! I love the panelling on the walls, and would love to do that in our next home, it adds so much character. Also love the blue, and the picture of the Kombi. I also have some old numberplates, they are in my lounge.
xx Karen
Great job Mindy! Love, love, love this room! I only wish I had half the drive and creativity you have!
Seriously one of the cutest kid rooms I've seen in a while... I adore board & batten and the paint color above is such fun! And I LOVE the globe theme! GREAT job!!!
The room is great! I love the color blue that you looks amazing with the clean white trim! I adore trim too!!! The Hippie Bus picture is the perfect pop of color and I love the cute little suitcase with the "bumper stickers"...cute, cute, cute touch!
Have a wonderful weekend!
This is one lucky little guy to have such a stinkin cute room...luv the colors and style!
SOOOOO cute and I'm impressed!! Love the color, the board and batten, the globes...and especially that you recognize it's a room to embrace him and play! SO great! Thanks so much for linking to Style Feature Saturday! -shaunna :)
I SO enjoyed reading every part part of this post! I LOVE the work you looks amazing. The walls, the colors, the toys in the pails....EVERYTHING is perfect. Good work.
Please come link this up to our Fabulous Friday post! It's open till Monday night and I just love this. Thanks for sharing...great colors and theme.
Heather @
Adorable room! I think some more colorful license plates would be fun, maybe even a border of them on one wall? The 3 you have look really cute above the white panels.
wow, thanks so much everyone! Especially to you new friends stopping by for the first time...I'll for sure be making a stop by each of your blogs this week to get to know you, it's fun to make new friends! Thanks for all of your sweet comments!
Weirdest thing Mindy, that bear on his bed I have one exactly like it. Mine is a little more worn out and so I keep it put up for now until I can fix it. I thought that was a funny... His room looks great! You are so crafty, I need some lessons on that when I finally get a house! Love ya, Lisa
Love this! I'm intrigued by the DIY board and batten!
OMigosh, I just love it. I need to do over my son's room and yours is greta inspiration. Thank you for posting - wonderful job!!
oh WOW!! I am SO going to feature this in my {I heart Friday} post this week!! This is SO lovely!!
so cute! i love how everything was so thought out and personalized just for him. great job.
This is AWESOME. What a perfect little boys room! I love the board and batten and the pics and license plates are fantastic! Where are you finding these clear paint-can like containers?? I want one! Great, great job!
I would love for you to check out my blog for a fun giveaway!
Have a wonderful day!
Wow, great job! Can I tell you how much I love that wall color? Thanks for stopping by our blog on Friday and linking up- we love having you participate!
Love your little boy's room! So bright and cheery! Very cute details too. Love the hippie bus shot! :D
I LOVE it!! You did such a great job on your big boy's room!
I love chunky moldings, too. We live in a new house, and when we moved in, it had cheap contractor moldings, and we replaced it all with 1x4 pine planks. Much better. Trim really does make a huge difference, doesn't it?
I love your choice of paint colour with the crisp, white wainscotting. Everything is so bright and bold. Love it! :)
Love this room! I can't wait to read about the board and batten!
I love love love those globes - my son would go ga-ga over them! The room is fantastic, as is your photography!
Adorable! The picture of the VW Bus is perfection!
this cute room rocks! what great ideas!
WOW! Love this room, especially the colors you have incorporated & the specific items like the license plates & globes make a huge difference. Love the high board & batten, I did that in my kitchen and want to do it everywhere now;)
Love, love, love this room! I just liked up at TLC, too. Your pic caught my eye - very much my style! The room I posted is also board & batten. Your aqua hue is perfection and I stinking love that hippie bus!
Your sons room is adorable. Functional and fun - a winning combo!
This room makes me wish I had a little boy! Would you mind giving the deets on the paint color? LOVE it!
CA-UTE!!!!!! I love all of the little details!
Amy, for sure! I'll get on a how-to post with all of the info... I intended to do that a week ago, but you know how it goes. :)
Oh, wow! The room looks fabulous! I really love the color you chose for the wall--it really pops next to the white of the board and batten. Great job!!
I actually came across your blog while searching for board and batten styles...and fell in love with this room!
We are expecting two little ones from Africa and I had no clue how to make their nursery work for a girl and a boy. I knew I wanted to hang some of our dark wooden African artifacts (I think will look great against that color!) but I didn't want it to get too theme-y, either. That color and the globes are PERFECT! We have already had two family members donate globes and are debating whether to get Pottery Barn's globe lamp, or purchase two bright red kerosene lanterns and turn them into lamps? Oh my...I digress...
The reason I am contacting you is to first of all thank you for the inspiration that is finally making this adoption feel real as we now have a plan to prepare our home! And secondly to ask...what is the name of the paints you used??? :)
Heidi- thanks for stopping by and thanks for your comment!
Congrats on your new babies! That is so exciting!
The turquoise paint is Valspar Signature Grass Lake the white is just the basic behr white utlra white or something like that with nothing mixed in. just pure white.
congrats and good luck with everything, I hope you get the room all pulled together and that the babies get all settled! enjoy them!
Thank you SO much for the paint names!!! I wish I could say that the room has made enormous progress...or better yet, that it was all done, but everything is moving slowly both with the adoptions as well as the nursery prep. (For someone who wants things done yesterday, honestly EVERYTHING takes too long!) J/K...kind of. :)
I just know that His timing is perfection, so I would by far prefer that over my own! :)
Thanks so so much! So sweet of you!
Facebook: Heidi Mayham Deschryver
did you ever give more detail on how you did the board and batten? i swear i saw it once, but now i can't find it anywhere. i'd love to hear a little more about it :)
The colours just pop on this room, it's gorgeous! I linked it to my childrens rooms post today, well done!
Hello again :)
I was wondering if it's possible to remove my comment that contains my full name? I have been receiving some unhappy contact lately and would SO appreciate it!
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