Hi there! It's me here. Remember me?? I'm home and on bed rest, much better than being in the hospital, plugging along at almost 33 weeks and feeling pretty good about that! There is one thing I wish I could do, but can't, and that is go through a few of the homes in the Utah Valley Parade of Homes. One in particular caught my eye and I'm so obsessed that I show my husband the pictures over and over. I'm trying to justify a way to walk through just one house, I can walk through my house, why not tour this one, ya know? I go to doctor appointments twice a week right now... if my doc is okay with me walking from the parking lot and through the HUGE hospital and to her office I think it should be okay to walk through a pretty house, right??
This house is the epitome of beach/coastal style and everything that is home perfection. I love that they fused many different styles for an overall eclectic look. I love the fresh color all over. It's light, bright and airy. It's a happy house!
My "someday house" inspiration files just got an overload of ideas!

I am in love with the reclaimed oak flooring throughout the house! They did a different pattern in the piano room, I think it's gorgeous.

and "hello, mudroom!" Someone was really thinking here, brick floors in the mudroom are perfect, and the barn wood on the wall is about the cutest thing ever.

I always love a good white kitchen, this one does not disappoint.

The master suite... swoon.

I've been trying to sell Scott on grass cloth wall paper for a while now, I don't know if I'll ever convince him, but I'm more in love with it than ever now! The ceilings are so gorgeous, this room is one of my favorite bedrooms ever.
The kids spaces are so fun and colorful.

And who hasn't dreamed of bathing the babes in a claw foot tub like this one? I want this bathroom! I love the tile work and the colors.
Adorable bunk room.

And as if you needed more, check out the gorgeous work spaces!

I love the office, it's a little bit masculine mixed with just enough feminine.

And of course the lovely laundry room, I love the blue cabinetry!

This home won two awards, best interior design and best master suite. Very well deserved. For Utah, this home is a real departure from the heavy "mountain lodge" style that is so popular around here. I'm so happy to see something like this, and it looks like there are a lot of others out there who agree! Throw out the stucco and dark and heavy stuff and bring in a little of the coast (even if we are in a state of mountains and desert!)
The home is built by Hatfield Homes, interior design is by Lindy Allen of Four Chairs Furniture, and all of the images used are by permission and most are taken by the home owner, Cristi Bastian. It's model #14, and if you love it like I do, you should go vote for it to win the People's Choice award!
When I emailed Lindy for permission to use their photos and share this home, she sent along a coupon for our lucky readers! Most of the furniture, wall paper, rugs, etc that you see came from Four Chairs.

And thank you to Hiya Papaya for use of their gorgeous images of this home. Go on over and check out them out for more photos!
See more pictures and details on Four Chairs Facebook fan page.
Also, the ever wonderful House of Turquoise is featuring this home over the course of several days, go over to see even more house perfection.
So, what's your favorite part? Anyone else out there dying to see this house as much as I am?
EGAD!!! Love it! So refreshing (as you said) to see a home like that in Utah! Someday when we get around to decorating our home I'm going to be drawing inspiration from here for sure!
I quit going to the Parade of Homes years ago because all the houses looked the same. It's nice to see someone doing something different! It may not necessarily be my style, but it's not the same old same old! Hopefully other designers will take notice.
Wow, that's gorgeous! so pretty with the pops of color.
are you on pinterest? was thinking you might like it while you are bedrest. It's addicting!
This home is so stunning I can't stand it! I'm IN LOVE with the outside!! That door color is to die for. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!!
Oh this house is so amazing, I love the brightness and lightness!
I love all of the windows in the master suite!
What a small world, Mindy - I know the owner of this house and she posted a link to it on facebook, then I came over to see and and realized this is the same Mindy I knew back in the days of SNOW and USU :) how are you doing?! I am also in love with this house... I told Cristi I am going to move in.... (and the bunk bed room is super adorable all finished!)
Glad to hear you are doing well! Love all the blue and green in this house...it is gorgeous!
I heard about your blog from Gen. So sorry to hear about your struggles but I'm so glad you're doing better! I've been to see this house twice and am TOTALLY in love. Down in the party basement they also have the most darling vintagey 50's diner kitchen with powder blue appliances. This is love I tell ya. I would move in tomorrow.
So glad to hear you loved the home! If you want to see some more pictures of it, head over to Four Chairs Facebook page!
Or you can view them here:
Thanks for the blog post - we've been trying to find some great blogs that have posted about the home! This is one of the best ones we've found :)
Oh my. I think i found my dream home as well!
Wow I love this house! I am moving into a new home and I am looking for soft/neutral wall colors like these. Do you know the names of the wall paint? LOVE THIS HOUSE!
I love your ideas! If you’re going to live in a coastal home, it’ll be perfect if the color scheme reflects the color of the ocean. And I think teal is a good color for that. It’s always trendy and can go with any knickknacks and ocean accents. Cheers!
Barry Sutton @ Iron Point Mortgage
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