Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's here! And a pillow poll...

It's here! Scott brought the sectional home on Monday night, I was so thankful they shrink wrapped it for us, it was a wet, rainy-snowy day here. It all arrived in great condition and it stayed clean. Here's a close up detail shot of the color and texture. I really do love it. I can't wait to get it in! I'm tempted to put it in our upstairs family room and kick the leather set out to the garage, just so my new baby can be inside... but I'm withstanding the temptation, because I know it's motivation for us to get the odds and ends done.

I talked in my last post about how I can't wait to put some fun pillows on it. I sat down for a minute last night and tried to pull some ideas together. Here are some hypothetical possibilities- the Hubbs and I already know which one we love the best, when I showed him the choices he agreed fully with the one I wanted... without knowing which one I had already chosen as my favorite, I love it when that happens!

We thought it would be fun anyway, to get your input! Check out the poll on the side and let us know which one you like the best... not that it'll make any difference... but just for fun! I can tell you there's one choice I pretty much don't like at all, but threw it in anyway to have a nice three choice poll. :)

Of course they all involve a bit of blue. I don't know what I'm going to do if I ever decide I don't like blue anymore, it's kind of "my color".

We found an ottoman really similar to this one that we both really like, and of course it will all look different when it's actually in the room and everything, but I'm getting so excited I can hardly stand it! This is the second basement we've finished in less than two years, to say we're burned out from being in basement mode would be an understatement, but we're finally in the home stretch now! Yay!!!

*disclaimer- some of those pillows are not "really" pillows... I just made some designs in photoshop using fabrics I liked and most of them I would be making myself... others I found randomly from stores I like online.


  1. Love the sectional its going to look great. I voted by the way, cant wait to see which one you picked and which one you dont event like.

  2. I just discovered your blog. Can't wait to see your finished basement. I like 2 of the 3 pillow combinations, too, so it will be interesting to see where the votes end up.

  3. B for sure! I love blue too :) Our walls are blue...I was thinking the other day what would happen if I didn't like blue anymore? O well, not going to happen. I LOVE all the fabrics in the second one!

  4. I love B - but the green "B" pillow in C is very cute. Maybe it could make it's way to option B. I can't wait to see what you do. I love how you use color in your house.

  5. I voted for B, but also really love A. I'm a sucker for red, what can I say. I like the warmth of it all!

  6. I really love "B"...but they're all honestly great!! Have fun! :)

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